
PolySciFi Blog

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Wahoos and Russert


[Luke] Russert, 23, said about [UVA]: "The smartest kids in the state go there so it is leaning a little bit toward Obama.

Dem be fightin' words. Intellectual pistols at daybreak to resolve this once and for all - round-robin quizbowl tournament between UVA, VT, WM, JMU, GMU, ODU, and LU. Cage match rules apply.

More seriously, I think it would be cool (and awesome publicity) if VTACO could set up the "Luke Russert 2008 Invitational Tournament" for the VA colleges perhaps for this weekend (before it gets stale and with the football team in Lincoln). Invite Russert to moderate, the Today Show to film, and see if NAQT will throw in some questions at the last minute.


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