Friday, October 08, 2004
What you won't see at the debate
Reihan Salam has a funny rundown of this election cycle's third party candidates up at The New Republic Online. Registration, unfortunately, required. Here's my favorite part:
In watching the various minor-party presidential candidates, I thought to myself, "Which one is most likely to spark a non-violent conflagration of peace, joy, and ever-higher levels of Krishna consciousness?"
Alas, the most likely candidate for this task was absent. Dr. John Hagelin, the 2000 candidate of the Natural Law Party, may be the best minor party candidate to have come along in years--as a disciple of the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, he certainly had a unique perspective on America's role in a psychically troubled galaxy. Sadly, Hagelin elected not to run this time around. Having decided that being president of the actual U.S. government is for the birds, he has instead become president of something called the "U.S. Peace Government," part of the Maharishi's "Global Country of World Peace." Indeed. Suffice to say, do not believe officers of the "U.S. Peace Government" if they demand that you pay them taxes, fines, or other fees, and run like the wind if officers of the "Federal Bureau of Peace Investigations" call you in for questioning. Nothing good can come of it.
In watching the various minor-party presidential candidates, I thought to myself, "Which one is most likely to spark a non-violent conflagration of peace, joy, and ever-higher levels of Krishna consciousness?"
Alas, the most likely candidate for this task was absent. Dr. John Hagelin, the 2000 candidate of the Natural Law Party, may be the best minor party candidate to have come along in years--as a disciple of the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, he certainly had a unique perspective on America's role in a psychically troubled galaxy. Sadly, Hagelin elected not to run this time around. Having decided that being president of the actual U.S. government is for the birds, he has instead become president of something called the "U.S. Peace Government," part of the Maharishi's "Global Country of World Peace." Indeed. Suffice to say, do not believe officers of the "U.S. Peace Government" if they demand that you pay them taxes, fines, or other fees, and run like the wind if officers of the "Federal Bureau of Peace Investigations" call you in for questioning. Nothing good can come of it.