Tuesday, October 05, 2004
Cheney-Edwards Drinking Game
Here's the Polyscifi Vice Presidential Debate Drinking Game.
To play, pick a team, either Cheney or Edwards, and drink the indicated number of drinks whenever your team says one of the corresponding phrases. If at any point, you're in doubt whether or not a phrase counts, go ahead and drink. If you get too drunk to play this game, you can always go back and play the previous drinking game and swap Cheney for Bush and Edwards for Kerry.
To play, pick a team, either Cheney or Edwards, and drink the indicated number of drinks whenever your team says one of the corresponding phrases. If at any point, you're in doubt whether or not a phrase counts, go ahead and drink. If you get too drunk to play this game, you can always go back and play the previous drinking game and swap Cheney for Bush and Edwards for Kerry.
| Cheney | Edwards |
1 Drink | A reference to hair or appearance | Halliburton |
| Implies that we'll be unsafer if K/E is elected | Implies that we'll be unsafer if B/C is elected |
| Trial lawyer/ Malpractice Insurance | Health Care Costs |
| Zarqawi | Bin Laden |
| Touts allies | Questions value of allies |
| Gay marriage | Mary Cheney |
| Vote on $87 Billion | Mistake to go to war |
| Inexperience | Bad Heart |
| Global Test/permission slip
| Touts summits |
| Oil for Food | Touts UN |
| Tax cut helped the economy | Tax cut hurt the economy |
| WMD | WMD |
2 Drinks | States that we'll be unsafer if K/E is elected | States that we'll be unsafer if B/C is elected |
| Undisclosed location | Secret Plan |
| Makes comparison to Clinton economy | Makes comparison to Hoover economy |
4 Drinks | "Hair like a pony" | "Puppet master" |
10 Drinks | Badnarik | Nader |
Finish the bottle | Jody Neel | Thason Jweatt |
| Jeremy Ramont | Matt Dessem |