Thursday, September 30, 2004
Liveblogging the Debate - Thason
Well, actually, I just have a headache and the chills. Maybe it's debate fever! Hopefully it's not menigitis."MY heart aches, and a drowsy numbness pains my sense, as though of hemlock I had drunk..."
Once again, I cannot attest to how well my clock is synchronized with Jody's. We'll do the best we can.
They just asked Freddy "The Beetle" Barnes what he thought he might see. Here's what I'm looking for - but don't expect to get:
- A "There is no Soviet domination of Poland moment."
- Decisiveness on the part of my candidate.
- Kerry not to get buzzed.
Lowered expectations? I'm just joining the club.
Oh yeah, Jim Lehrer is my hero! Let's do it!
Come on, what's he going to say? "No, I suck."
John! You're losing time here!
It would be neat if Fox was showing the lights. Two minutes is a long time...or maybe it's just my headache.
It must be my headache. I didn't see the lights right there in front of my face.
George, you cocky, contrite, subtle, blunt bastard! Disarm the question and dig at the opponent's in"decisive"ness.
"You're indecisive" "Oh yeah, well you're dumb." Second-grade testosterone is flowing.
Jody just indicated that Kerry didn't answer the question. But when you can't answer the question, dig at the incumbent. And get in an "outsourcing jobs" prick as well.
It's the economy, stupid...I mean it's foreign policy.
Fox broke the rules! Too bad I was getting the pizza. I wonder what can or will be done with this.
A pre-September 10th mentality? Would that be a September 9th mentality?
9:18And I'm back. I had an attack of "debate fever."
Alright, convince me John...What would you do?
I'm strangely iffy on these strays into domestic policy. I mean, you have to play to your strengths, but it sets Kerry up to ramble, which he is doing now.
Don't be conscious of the clock, John.
I give a point to the President for going out of his way to look more focused on the topic.
Wait, wait. What just happened. Why is the president speaking spontaneously on the clock?
Hammer at quotes, yes. Misquote and then hammer, no. John, please tell America what you really said.
Visit the "sins" of the Father onto the Son. But please stop saying that we don't have allies.
He likes hitting on that "Wrong War, Wrong Place, Wrong Time."
Now we're talking. That was a good response - admitting to speaking wrong, but pointing out how it's worse to be wrong.
I thought about putting the words "This president" on my drinking game list.
I was afraid of that. Here comes the coalition of the willing.
9:33The president is keeping it simple, and is hitting at the same point. That's the way to bring down a big tree.
The president won't allow himself to be misquoted, and is spreading around the love. Except for the insurgents, who he just called nancy-boys.
Vote for me, I have a plan. That will get him elected in the absence of an alternative.
People get there hands cut off and executed in Saudi Arabia too. Are they next?
John, don't go there. He'd do it again the same way knowing what he knows now? You said that too! Pot, kettle, black...
How is he not telling the truth? Alright, how has he not been candid? Yellow cake? Coalition? United Nations? No planning? Last resort?
You know, I don't think most Americans know the difference, honestly.
Agree with your opponent - damn him with praise. I'm consistent, he's not. These are just body blows.
John, you didn't listen, and now you're just embarassing me here. The president said that you were right then, but that you're not now.
"The only thing that he hasn't been consistent." Bush in a cakewalk.
Lehrer might kick himself later for that mis-speak.
Wow, the President is talking about Sally Muckinfuch. Stealing Kerry's thunder.
Bush shows himself making the tough decisions, and got flashed for his trouble. Too bad...
Is Iraq policy the extent of our foreign policy. I mean, yeah, sure...big thing. But it's not the whole world.
Not that I think broadening the debate will help.
Yeah, Jody. should be good for a drink.
So should "Wrong war, wrong place, wrong time."
What has John been writing all this time?
Thank you for finally correcting that misquote.
A better question is "Were we overcharged?"
An even better question: "Will they actually buzz POTUS?"
9:51Vote for me. My opponent is mean. And inconsistent.
Now I really wonder if POTUS will get buzzed. He is pushing Jim Lehrer around, though.
Damn good question - and a good answer in the making from the President. Oooooh, except for the "last resort" mention. Kerry better jump all over that.
Jody and I really do think that W could pull OBL out of his pocket, right now.
Or have him marched out in chains. That would be good drama.
Actually I'm glad that Fox is showing responses of the candidates. Bush's indignance is telling.
Well, George was thinking what I was thinking. If it has to pass a global test, then it's not really pre-emptive, is it?
I'm iffy on that one. If our people do wrong things, then they should be prosecuted. It shouldn't matter if they're "our people."
Out of Iraq...about time.
Bush stopped cold. And that answer didn't sound nearly complete. Do you think he's keeping count? Looks like it...
Again, it could be my debate fever. But I thought I saw in the latest split shot that Bush's podium was higher than Kerry's. Fox! Complicit in the vast-right wing conspiracy!
The first mention of the "d" word. And through the back door on top of that.
Yes, it is a loaded question George. That question is a double-edged stick of dynamite. And its bearing on foreign policy is oblique.
Good for you, John. Laugh when the audience can't.
They did it again! Look at those podiums! Fox is trying not to make the President look short!
Now, back to what I was going to say "Mixed Messages, or Strong Ones?" That will be the new Bush tagline.
Waver, flip-flop. Who's counting?
I think it's starting to show that it's past the President's bedtime. His advisors were actually worried about that. My debate fever is getting to me again as well.
Yeah, Jody. "Dick, are you there?"
Someone in the audience is alive. That's good.
Last chance to get in good. Emphasizes those differences.
In other words, let me look you in the eye and say "John Kerry, reporting for duty."
The president is keeping it simple and strong. Points on that.