Thursday, September 16, 2004
Liveblogging Badnarik - Jody
Just sat down. Pulling power from the camera crew filming Badnarik. Apparently they'll be taking questions. Fun.
Still haven't started (I hear that's typical for most appearances). I guess there's a shade under 200 in the theater to hear Badnarik.
Format is the following. Badnarik will talk for 20 minutes. Then Badnarik will field questions for an hour. Questions are submitted via note cards.
Badnarik up and talking. Emphasizing the phrase "Lighting te fires of liberty, one heart at a time." Talking about Libertarians being neither conservative nor liberal.
Emphasizing everyone's love of liberty by drawing a parallel to moving out of the house. Drawing a parallel to government and your parents. Did emphasize the importance of responsibilties.
Says that liberty is being decreased. Mocking "free speech zones" by talking about a previous campaign stop. Particularly mocking the DNC free speech zones. Made first WWII parallel to concentration camps. Then brings up free speech zones at Bush campaign stops. All good points.
Questions need for permit to for conceal-carry. Says that if "I can get my fingers on the trigger, the government will never make me get a permit"
Compares Patriot act to Alien and Sedition Act. Says blatantly violates 4th ammendment. (Doesn't like delayed warrant). Doesn't like labeling someone a terrorist. Likes to try people for terrorism. Compares terrorist trials to Star Chambers.
Issues - Bill restore the draft. Hitting on the draft. Repeats Lib line that all human interactions should be voluntary. Calls the draft involuntary servitude.
Social Security - Calls SS a "pay as they go system" claims SS $7 trillion underfunded. Seems to think that SS is supposed to replace personal planning. Suggests that we should follow the Chile model- privatized. Says the 98% switched over. Cutting on AARP (notes the fact that they have a turnout advantage).
Seems to be encouraging the youth to get out and vote. Nice line - "Even if you're not interested in politics, politics is interested in you."
Calls Dems the mommy party and the Reps the daddy party (little titilation at an implied "Who;s your daddy joke?)
Doesn't seem to like foreign wars, but hasn't yet said anything explicit.
Shilling for the Viewpoint and encouraging the audience to join the Libertarian party. Speech over. Did not once say what he would do in the war on terror.
Taking Questions
Would get the US out of UN immediately. Says "does not need permission to protect our lives, our liberty, our property."
First change - undo the gun control laws. Second - abolish the IRS.
Of noninterventionism - claiming not an isolationist. Economic ties with all countries, entangling alliances with none. Would bring home all foreign troops immediately (presumably in Iraq)
State of the Union address each time Congress tries to pass an unconstitutional law.
Gold Standard WTF? - Wants the US back on the gold standard. Holy shit. Claims that gold and silver do not inflate. Is invested in gold, silver and lead. Conflict of interest?
On the ballot in 48 states. (problems in OK and NH)
Says he's running because he cannot vote for Bush or Kerry and respect himself in the morning.
Says that he's running because it's the right thing to do.
Welfare - Calls welfare theft. Really really doesn't like wealth redistribution. Says that charity will take care of any people left at the bottom. Says that the best way to take care of the poor is to improve the economy so we have more money to be generous with?
Keeps saying we were the most prosperous nation on earth until 1913 (it's been all downhill since then? What about the post WWII expansion?) Are we not now? What about Britain before WWI, weren't they more prosperous? Nitpicking, but hey.
Doesn't like EPA. Believes that it's corrupt. Doesn't like grandfathering. Says that US government is the largest polluter in the country. Wants to follow England, wants to encourage lawsuits to protect the environment. Claims England has cleanest air and water in the world.
Education and the middle class. Says that money has nothing to do with education. Says 1953 we were number 1 in math and science and says we are now 29th in math and science. Wants to privatize education. Says that he will not support subsidized education.
How would handle Iraq - Calls it a mistake to go to Iraq. Misquotes on Bush - claims Bush said we couldn't win the war in his acceptance speech. Says that we have an obligation to bring the troops home, any rebuilding would be done privately.
Eminent domain - calls it unconstitutional. Says constitution does not have power to take property away from people. Really keeps harping on the idea that people don't know what's in the Constitution.
Wants the government out of science research. Says it biases the research. Wants NASA privatized. Notes a sign from the landing of Spaceship 1: Spaceship 1 Government 0.
Claims that prohibitions don't work to answer a question on concealed permits. References drugs and 18th ammendment.
Says that determining which weapons should be used is determined by clear and present danger. Which isn't very clear. No to nuclear warhead. But ok to tanks.
Just submitted my question: If elected, what would you do about the Iranian nuclear program - a clear and present danger?
Are you a man of faith? Refuses to answer.
Gay marriage- supports gay marriage. Compares gay marriage to miscegenation. Claims that marriage licenses started for blacks to marry whites... Calls DOMA embarrassing.
Ok for anyone to purchase guns - even violent? Says ok as long as you've paid your debt to society. "You are ultimately responsible for protecting yourself"
Is against racial profiling for terrorists. Claims that terrorist do not have a particular look. Umm young, male, hairless, and Arab?
Rebuts a question about ammending the 2nd ammendment in light of abolishing slavery. Says "that just because something is written in the Constitution does not make it Constititional" WTF?!!?? Apparently confuses what is constitutional with what is good.
Keeps going Lockesian and claiming DOI is life liberty and property (it's pursuit of happiness).
Ending. never got to my question. Nor my second question - What is your position on abortion, do the unborn have a right to life?
Just sat down. Pulling power from the camera crew filming Badnarik. Apparently they'll be taking questions. Fun.
Still haven't started (I hear that's typical for most appearances). I guess there's a shade under 200 in the theater to hear Badnarik.
Format is the following. Badnarik will talk for 20 minutes. Then Badnarik will field questions for an hour. Questions are submitted via note cards.
Badnarik up and talking. Emphasizing the phrase "Lighting te fires of liberty, one heart at a time." Talking about Libertarians being neither conservative nor liberal.
Emphasizing everyone's love of liberty by drawing a parallel to moving out of the house. Drawing a parallel to government and your parents. Did emphasize the importance of responsibilties.
Says that liberty is being decreased. Mocking "free speech zones" by talking about a previous campaign stop. Particularly mocking the DNC free speech zones. Made first WWII parallel to concentration camps. Then brings up free speech zones at Bush campaign stops. All good points.
Questions need for permit to for conceal-carry. Says that if "I can get my fingers on the trigger, the government will never make me get a permit"
Compares Patriot act to Alien and Sedition Act. Says blatantly violates 4th ammendment. (Doesn't like delayed warrant). Doesn't like labeling someone a terrorist. Likes to try people for terrorism. Compares terrorist trials to Star Chambers.
Issues - Bill restore the draft. Hitting on the draft. Repeats Lib line that all human interactions should be voluntary. Calls the draft involuntary servitude.
Social Security - Calls SS a "pay as they go system" claims SS $7 trillion underfunded. Seems to think that SS is supposed to replace personal planning. Suggests that we should follow the Chile model- privatized. Says the 98% switched over. Cutting on AARP (notes the fact that they have a turnout advantage).
Seems to be encouraging the youth to get out and vote. Nice line - "Even if you're not interested in politics, politics is interested in you."
Calls Dems the mommy party and the Reps the daddy party (little titilation at an implied "Who;s your daddy joke?)
Doesn't seem to like foreign wars, but hasn't yet said anything explicit.
Shilling for the Viewpoint and encouraging the audience to join the Libertarian party. Speech over. Did not once say what he would do in the war on terror.
Taking Questions
Would get the US out of UN immediately. Says "does not need permission to protect our lives, our liberty, our property."
First change - undo the gun control laws. Second - abolish the IRS.
Of noninterventionism - claiming not an isolationist. Economic ties with all countries, entangling alliances with none. Would bring home all foreign troops immediately (presumably in Iraq)
State of the Union address each time Congress tries to pass an unconstitutional law.
Gold Standard WTF? - Wants the US back on the gold standard. Holy shit. Claims that gold and silver do not inflate. Is invested in gold, silver and lead. Conflict of interest?
On the ballot in 48 states. (problems in OK and NH)
Says he's running because he cannot vote for Bush or Kerry and respect himself in the morning.
Says that he's running because it's the right thing to do.
Welfare - Calls welfare theft. Really really doesn't like wealth redistribution. Says that charity will take care of any people left at the bottom. Says that the best way to take care of the poor is to improve the economy so we have more money to be generous with?
Keeps saying we were the most prosperous nation on earth until 1913 (it's been all downhill since then? What about the post WWII expansion?) Are we not now? What about Britain before WWI, weren't they more prosperous? Nitpicking, but hey.
Doesn't like EPA. Believes that it's corrupt. Doesn't like grandfathering. Says that US government is the largest polluter in the country. Wants to follow England, wants to encourage lawsuits to protect the environment. Claims England has cleanest air and water in the world.
Education and the middle class. Says that money has nothing to do with education. Says 1953 we were number 1 in math and science and says we are now 29th in math and science. Wants to privatize education. Says that he will not support subsidized education.
How would handle Iraq - Calls it a mistake to go to Iraq. Misquotes on Bush - claims Bush said we couldn't win the war in his acceptance speech. Says that we have an obligation to bring the troops home, any rebuilding would be done privately.
Eminent domain - calls it unconstitutional. Says constitution does not have power to take property away from people. Really keeps harping on the idea that people don't know what's in the Constitution.
Wants the government out of science research. Says it biases the research. Wants NASA privatized. Notes a sign from the landing of Spaceship 1: Spaceship 1 Government 0.
Claims that prohibitions don't work to answer a question on concealed permits. References drugs and 18th ammendment.
Says that determining which weapons should be used is determined by clear and present danger. Which isn't very clear. No to nuclear warhead. But ok to tanks.
Just submitted my question: If elected, what would you do about the Iranian nuclear program - a clear and present danger?
Are you a man of faith? Refuses to answer.
Gay marriage- supports gay marriage. Compares gay marriage to miscegenation. Claims that marriage licenses started for blacks to marry whites... Calls DOMA embarrassing.
Ok for anyone to purchase guns - even violent? Says ok as long as you've paid your debt to society. "You are ultimately responsible for protecting yourself"
Is against racial profiling for terrorists. Claims that terrorist do not have a particular look. Umm young, male, hairless, and Arab?
Rebuts a question about ammending the 2nd ammendment in light of abolishing slavery. Says "that just because something is written in the Constitution does not make it Constititional" WTF?!!?? Apparently confuses what is constitutional with what is good.
Keeps going Lockesian and claiming DOI is life liberty and property (it's pursuit of happiness).
Ending. never got to my question. Nor my second question - What is your position on abortion, do the unborn have a right to life?