
PolySciFi Blog

Friday, August 20, 2004


Site layout changes

We've cleaned up our site a little. We still have one more major change planned, but that'll be to give the color scheme a more "polyscifi" feel. At the moment our color scheme is still a sight to behold, but not in a good way, in more of a train-wreck-oh-my-god-what-were-they-thinking-kind-of-way.

The following are some things that we hope you'll notice.

1) We've added haloscan comments. This will permit those who do not have a blogger account to leave comments and will allow others to trackback our posts. However, due to the design of blogger, for all posts before this one, you'll see two sets of comments - one is from blogger, the other is from haloscan. While fugly, we had to do that in order to preserve the old comments whiel adding the new comments (unless we wanted to transcribe all comments).

2) We've also finally put up a blogroll of sorts. All those sites come with our highest certification of approval, so go check 'em out.

A little word about the categorization of links. All the hokie bloggers are bloggers who either are or recently were at Virginia Tech (like Thason, Jeremy, and myself). The VTACO link is a link to the intercollegiate trivia organization in which we are/were involved (some of the chaps over at nanothoughts were also trivia players).

The blogroll is a list of sites where we frequently leave comments. So if you're just can't get enough of our witty insights about politics, science fiction, and bear whiz beer, visit those sites for a little extra.

The "news" sites are pretty self explanatory and the research site provides insights into what I do for my day job.

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