
PolySciFi Blog

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Imus just made a funny...

Perhaps I'll have it out with my esteemed friend Jody later on. I might need to block off some time for that one.

Anyway, Imus just dropped the following bombshell on us, revealed to him through an "inside source in the Kerry campaign." 1 I'll paraphrase.

His source has revealed that Senator Kerry has revealed that now, he's not going to accept the Democratic nomination for President until after the general election.

Well, I guess if you're going to do it, then that's the way to go...


1. I put that in quotation marks, not because it's exactly what the I-man said, but because, like most of the things that trip off Don's lips during the Morning Show, it's a farce. But a pretty freaking funny one - again, like most of the them.

Post Script

It's things like that that make me doubt my guy (and Don's, incidentally)...again. It could get to the point that I'd just not vote, except then, Bill O'Reilly would come to my house and kill me. And who wants that?

Comments(1) |
Having Bill come to your house is still better than having Spanky show up...

On a related note. DailyPundit is having a contest for "Best Kerry Bumper Sticker Commemorating the Democratic Convention."

My entry was "Kerry: I Declined the Nomination Before I Accepted the Nomination"
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